deskzilla.license / jiraclient.license Accepts: valid file path (either absolute or relative to Deskzilla installation directory) Since: 1.2 Sets the license key to be used. If not set, the user may be asked for a license key. If set to an invalid or non-existing file, Deskzilla will not be able to start.
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deskzilla.workspace / jiraclient.workspace Accepts: valid directory path Default: .Deskzilla subdirectory in the user's home dir Since: 1.2 Sets the workspace to be used. Alternatively, the workspace directory may be specified as a parameter, e.g. deskzilla.exe /home/me/myWorkspace.
deskzilla.home / jiraclient.home Accepts: valid existing directory name Since: 1.0 Sets the home directory for Deskzilla. If not set, the directory is guessed based on the current directory and the directory where Deskzilla executables are located.
bugzilla.xml.maxload Accepts: positive integer Since: deskzilla 1.5.1 Default: 100 Sets the maximum number of bugs requested from Bugzilla's xml.cgi with a single HTTP request. When Deskzilla needs to download more bugs, it will break download into several requests.
full.sync.period Accepts: positive integer (minutes) Since: deskzilla 1.6, jiraclient 1.3 Default: 720 (12 hours) Sets the period of full synchronization, which loads all metadata from the server and may take some time.
full.sync.period.failed Accepts: positive integer (minutes) Since: deskzilla 1.6, jiraclient 1.3 Default: =full.sync.period Sets the period between failed full sync and next full sync attempt.
quick.sync.period Accepts: positive integer (seconds) Since: deskzilla 1.6, jiraclient 1.3 Default: 150 (2.5 minutes) Sets the period between quick synchronizations
dz.ignore.product.defaults Accepts: "true" Since: deskzilla 1.6 hf 15 Default: - Starting with version 1.6, Deskzilla sets all values on the New Bug form to the product defaults, as seen on the "New Bug" Bugzilla web page. Use this option to make Deskzilla behave like in older versions: remember the last used values for fields per project.
bugzilla.qload.noattach Accepts: "true" Since: deskzilla 1.6 Default: - When set, Deskzilla will ask Bugzilla not to send attachments with xml bug info. This option may be used as a workaround to out-of-memory caused by a large attachment in XML.
bugzilla.xml.req.mindelay Accepts: integer from 0 to 60 Since: deskzilla 1.7 Default: 0 When set to non-zero, defines the number of seconds that must pass between consecutive page load during long query download. 2ff7e9595c